It’s official. Windows 7 updates will no longer be freely supported in less than a year from now. The time to update is now. Why, you may ask? Let’s take a look at everything that could happen when you are running an outdated piece of software:
1. Viruses
This is the most obvious issue. But it’s one of the most important ones. Your Operating System is the heartbeat of your computer.
And if it’s infected with ransomware, it could do a whole lot more than just kill your computer.
If you are storing any passwords that are important, any information of current customers that could violate their privacy rights, then you need to update your computer to the latest OS immediately. No corner is safe.
We recommend that you take it to a professional so that they can back up all of your files so that nothing is lost in the process.
2. Slow, buggy, computer
Another issue is one that everyone hates. Your computer will slow down and make everything that you do much more inefficient.
If you’re worried about it working on your computer, which is older, we have actually seen Windows 10 improve the performance of an older PC than Windows 7.
Windows 10 is lighter and faster.
3. Compatibility issues
Many apps may not perform as well, or at all, once support ends.
In Conclusion
Windows 7 end of life may be coming. But it’s not the end of the world. Bring in your computer to Computer Repair In Tyler today and get 15% off operating system installs.