Official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft for New Apple Macs
Since Microsoft has authorized the use of Parallels Desktop to run Windows 11 on Macs with Apple silicon chips, this is now legally possible.
Many business workers had hoped that Microsoft would allow Windows to run on Apple Silicon Macs.
They can now do so formally.
The official Windows 11 Arm solution, Parallels Desktop, is now available for Macs with M-series CPUs.
Windows for us Mac users
The decision is especially advantageous for businesses with diverse fleets because it makes switching to Macs easier across the board.
Additionally, it means that those brand-new Apple computers can support old Windows applications.
It will be simpler for businesses to incorporate Mac with Apple Silicon into their IT infrastructure and increase the adoption of Apple hardware in the workplace, according to a senior vice president of product at Alludo.
Given Apple’s rising status in enterprise IT, that was a wise decision.
Observe The Data
According to IDC data, Macs saw a 60% rise in market share between 2019 and 22; this represents a growth rate 10 times greater than the PC market.
Presently, 10.8% of all PC sales globally are Macs.
This is due in part to efforts to adopt employee technology preference; according to a recent statement from Cisco, 59% of new employees opt for a Mac.
In this situation, maintaining Mac and Windows system compatibility turns into a business prerogative, which is why Microsoft decided to use Parallels to add support for Windows on M-series Macs.
To be fair, Microsoft has continually enhanced the functionality of all of its products to support Apple’s new processors.
Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows 11
According to Microsoft, Windows 11 Pro and Enterprise are both enabled.
There are some restrictions, primarily in relation to Linux and Android virtualization in Windows environments;
Windows 32-bit Arm applications are.
Integration appears to be very strong; you can download, install, and configure Windows 11 very easily from within the Parallels environment.
(After installation, you’ll need to buy and enable Windows 11).
The installation relies on both the robust security built into Macs and a virtual TPM chip to protect the environment.
IT managers can download Windows from Microsoft and will need a volume license agreement to install Windows Enterprise.
Users can obtain from the Microsoft 365 admin center or the Volume Licensing Service Center.
Credit: computerworld
The number of cyber attacks targeting school networks is rising.
Here are some things to remember as threat actors attack schools.
Threat actors who view educational institutions as easy targets are increasingly targeting school systems across the nation.
That means further hassles for IT professionals who are already stressed out in their roles within school systems.
“Threat actors believe schools are vulnerable and [with] underfunding, they think they’re good targets,” John Genter, VP of security and cloud operations at edtech security firm Lightspeed Systems, said during a webinar on school cybersecurity on October 20.
Initially, plan.
Troy Neal, another panelist, said that you must have a plan of action first.
Neal highlighted the security measures he takes as the executive director of cybersecurity and technology operations for the Spring Branch Independent School District in the Houston region.
“I’ve got a five-tier strategy. I’ve got air-gap solutions, and our [colocation], and our [disaster recovery] site. I’ve got good old USB hard drives that are…critical. I’ve got a cloud copy as well, in multiple cloud providers, also validating the backups,” Neal said. “But I mean, overall, you gotta start with a strategy and a roadmap.”
Staff awareness is a component of that roadmap because it is the greatest way to fend off threats.
Neal stated that his team’s “extremely rigorous software onboarding procedure” strives to close any gaps that could allow for a data breach and requires the same of vendors.
But according to Genter, those vendors could be a source of vulnerability for criminals searching for weak spots.
The majority of the time, school districts are obligated to make information on both vendors and apps available to the public on their websites, which can invite attacks.
According to the experts, schools will continue to be desirable targets for cybercriminals.
They are valuable, exposed, and reachable.
Additionally, organized groups will be able to exploit systemic weaknesses.
“The reality today is cybercriminals have organized themselves very efficiently,” Genter said. “They have a level-one support that tries to get the resources and then they escalate it to a level two, who has more skills to get to the next level. And then they escalate to a level three who really knows how to get in and break into things.”—EH
Your business have a plan in place for your cybersecurity ? Cyber Security can start at software updates, and if your businesses computers are not up to date it is a vulnerability in your network. Click Here to contact us today to setup a plan for your business or call us at 903-858-4383
Credit: [Cyber threats against school systems are increasing]
Core i3, i5, and i7 - What's the Difference?
Let’s Briefly Explore i3s, i5s, and i7s
Intel, one of the most prolific tech companies in the world, is known for producing Intel Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors. Many buyers get stumped when they are having to make a choice between the three. But fear not! We will break everything down into what you need to know.
The first, and primary question, is what do you use your computer for?
Basic Stuff – Browsing, Email, Facebook, etc.
You need an i3. This is great for people who simply check their emails, browse their favorite websites, using Microsoft Office, video calls, and social networks. The Core i3 has approximately 3 Megabytes of cache. Cache size plays a factor, similar to that of RAM, which allows the computer to increase in its processing speed. The i3 is definitely not for those who want cutting-edge graphics, or those who want to load professional software.
Balanced Experience – Some Gaming, or Professional Work
The i5 allows users to find that delicate balance between performance and price. This means i5’s are relatively good for middle-tier work. They can be good for gaming if a G processor or Q processor with a dedicated graphics processor is purchased.
Total Power
At last, you guessed it, the i7 Core holds the top for sheer processing power. Those unicorn multi-taskers who always have 10+ windows/tabs open at the same time, gamers who need the biggest and the best, or if you simply hate waiting for anything – get the i7. The speed boost between the i3 and the i7 is enormous.
In A Nutshell
In conclusion, the optimal processor is really dictated by your needs. Now, there is one more Core that is reserved for video streaming gamers, video editors who are those multi-tasking unicorns, and that is the i9 Core. For those who aren’t within that criteria, the i7 should be good enough.
SSD vs. HDD: Should You Upgrade?
What’s an SSD?
An SSD, or Solid-State Drive, is similar to that of a USB flash drive. A much larger and more refined form of a USB flash drive. An SSD contains no moving parts, unlike its counterpart – the HDD, or Hard Drive Disk. The HDD stored memory by transcribing the read and write in a mechanical way, with an arm adjusting from the proper location on the storage device. Alternately, the SSD stores the information in microchips which have no mechanical parts making the process of retrieving information much more efficient. Let’s use baseball as an analogy. It would be akin to the difference between hitting a ball and running to 1stbase (HDD), or hitting the ball and teleporting to 1stbase in a split second (SSD). Which one would you prefer?
What’s an HDD?
HDDs/Hard Drive Disks are usually found in older models of laptop computers or cheaper computers. One of the upsides to HDDs is that they are cheaper. However, if managing your time is one of your core values then an HDD is not a great choice.
Let’s go through the attributes of both to see how they compare to each other and your needs.
Battery Life
The SSD wins as it does not draw as much power as the HDD. The SSD averages at 2-4 watts which can result in a 25+ minute boost in battery life. In contrast, the HDD averages at 6-8 watts which means it uses more of your battery life.
The SSD is generally more expensive in terms of monetary cost. In this aspect, the HDD wins – on a monetary level. But SSDs typically crash less than HDDs so you are also purchasing them less. Combined with drawing electricity, the HDD and SSD may break even. It’s hard to precisely tell.
Operating System Boot
The SSD boots, on average, a whopping 10-15 seconds while the HDD boots approximately 30-45 seconds. The SSD wins.
Failure Rate
SSDs generally fail approximately 2 million hours whereas HDDS fail around the 1-1.5 million hour mark.
File Opening Speed
SSDs also take the cake when it comes to opening files in a time-effective manner. SSDs are up to 30% faster than HDDs.
Heat Production
Ever notice your computer getting hot and your fans spinning at breakneck speed? It might be because you are using a Hard Drive Disk. Though HDDs also do not have much heat production, Solid-State Disks do not have any “moving parts” while a Hard Drive Disk does.
Write Speed
One of the most important aspects of copying files is the write speed. SSDs, once again, win in this category at 200+ MB/s. Some higher end drives even topping out at 550 MB/s. The HDD ranges between 50 – 120 MB/s for comparison.
Overall, the SSD is the clear winner. We recommend getting your SSDs installed by computer professionals. Currently, we are offering a special on Operating System Installs/Reinstalls so it may be in your best interest to get it done all at one time.
If you need assistance, visit our location at 1331 S. Beckham Avenue in Tyler, TX or call us at 903-858-4383!
Windows 7 End of Life

It’s official. Windows 7 updates will no longer be freely supported in less than a year from now. The time to update is now. Why, you may ask? Let’s take a look at everything that could happen when you are running an outdated piece of software:
1. Viruses
This is the most obvious issue. But it’s one of the most important ones. Your Operating System is the heartbeat of your computer.
And if it’s infected with ransomware, it could do a whole lot more than just kill your computer.
If you are storing any passwords that are important, any information of current customers that could violate their privacy rights, then you need to update your computer to the latest OS immediately. No corner is safe.
We recommend that you take it to a professional so that they can back up all of your files so that nothing is lost in the process.
2. Slow, buggy, computer
Another issue is one that everyone hates. Your computer will slow down and make everything that you do much more inefficient.
If you’re worried about it working on your computer, which is older, we have actually seen Windows 10 improve the performance of an older PC than Windows 7.
Windows 10 is lighter and faster.
3. Compatibility issues
Many apps may not perform as well, or at all, once support ends.
In Conclusion
Windows 7 end of life may be coming. But it’s not the end of the world. Bring in your computer to Computer Repair In Tyler today and get 15% off operating system installs.
These Tips Will Help You Keep Your Passwords Safe
Today is Safer Internet Day! One of the most dangerous things you can do on the internet is reuse passwords on multiple sites across the internet. Reusing a password makes you a target for hackers for two reasons:
1. First, let’s say a hacker guesses your password or a website you login to has a security hole and they are somehow able to obtain your username and password. That same hacker, if her or she is smart, will at least try that same username and password combo on other popular sites. Maybe they got your password through a flaw on a small time cooking recipe site, not big deal right? But if you used that same combo for your bank account, you could quickly be in financial trouble!
2. If you only had to worry about one hacker, that would be one thing. But today, hackers are just as well connected across the internet as any of us are. Your one stolen password will almost certainly end up complied into a massive, mindbogglingly large list of passwords stolen from millions of users across thousands of websites. Maybe the one person who figured out your one password will be a bit lazy. Maybe they’ll only try a few sites and give up. Once your password gets into one of these massive lists, you’ll have an entire army of hackers, and their special automated tools, trying your password on every site. Between new hackers coming along and new automatic tools that make use of these lists, you’ll never be safe using that same username and password combo again.
With all the scariness surrounding passwords and hackers, what can you do to protect yourself?
Well, one thing we highly recommend is that you stop reusing password across different sites. This sounds hard, right? It means you’ll need a different for every site you visit. The way to do this without it become a chore is to use a password manager like 1Password or Last Pass. These programs help you store your passwords securely on your computer and help suggest new passwords for every site you visit. Often times, these programs will pop up like magic and help you fill in your unique password for every site you visit. Not only are you more secure, logging in to site becomes easier as well.
Another thing we recommend you do is check to see if any of your previous passwords are in any of these giant list hacker compile. Previously, the easier way to do this was to go to But now, Google has stepped in and has an even easier solution. Google’s new Password Checkup extension for their Chrome web browser makes it so you don’t even need to do the checking yourself. Just install the extension located here ( and it will run in the corner of your window and do your checking for you. Whenever it sees you using a password that has been is part of one of those giant hacker password lists it will alert you to the danger and ask if you want to use a different password.
Staying safe on the internet isn’t always easy what with so many bad actors out there hoping to spot even the smallest slip up. But using tools like Password Managers and this new Password Checkup extension Google has released will help you keep your passwords out of hackers’ hands.
If you think you have been hacked, or you think your computer might have caught a virus, bring it over to Computer Repair in Tyler. We have the tools to give it a clean bill of health. Even better, all month long we are offering our virus removal service for free when you come in to have other computer work done. See our video below for more details:
Today is Safer Internet Day! One of the most dangerous things you can do on the internet is reuse passwords on multiple sites across the internet. Reusing a password makes you a target for hackers for two reasons:
1. First, let’s say a hacker guesses your password or a website you login to has a security hole and they are somehow able to obtain your username and password. That same hacker, if her or she is smart, will at least try that same username and password combo on other popular sites. Maybe they got your password through a flaw on a small time cooking recipe site, not big deal right? But if you used that same combo for your bank account, you could quickly be in financial trouble!
2. If you only had to worry about one hacker, that would be one thing. But today, hackers are just as well connected across the internet as any of us are. Your one stolen password will almost certainly end up complied into a massive, mindbogglingly large list of passwords stolen from millions of users across thousands of websites. Maybe the one person who figured out your one password will be a bit lazy. Maybe they’ll only try a few sites and give up. Once your password gets into one of these massive lists, you’ll have an entire army of hackers, and their special automated tools, trying your password on every site. Between new hackers coming along and new automatic tools that make use of these lists, you’ll never be safe using that same username and password combo again.
With all the scariness surrounding passwords and hackers, what can you do to protect yourself?
Well, one thing we highly recommend is that you stop reusing password across different sites. This sounds hard, right? It means you’ll need a different for every site you visit. The way to do this without it become a chore is to use a password manager like 1Password or Last Pass. These programs help you store your passwords securely on your computer and help suggest new passwords for every site you visit. Often times, these programs will pop up like magic and help you fill in your unique password for every site you visit. Not only are you more secure, logging in to site becomes easier as well.
Another thing we recommend you do is check to see if any of your previous passwords are in any of these giant list hacker compile. Previously, the easier way to do this was to go to But now, Google has stepped in and has an even easier solution. Google’s new Password Checkup extension for their Chrome web browser makes it so you don’t even need to do the checking yourself. Just install the extension located here ( and it will run in the corner of your window and do your checking for you. Whenever it sees you using a password that has been is part of one of those giant hacker password lists it will alert you to the danger and ask if you want to use a different password.
Staying safe on the internet isn’t always easy what with so many bad actors out there hoping to spot even the smallest slip up. But using tools like Password Managers and this new Password Checkup extension Google has released will help you keep your passwords out of hackers’ hands.
If you think you have been hacked, or you think your computer might have caught a virus, bring it over to Computer Repair in Tyler. We have the tools to give it a clean bill of health. Even better, all month long we are offering our virus removal service for free when you come in to have other computer work done. See our video below for more details:
Why Your Mac Needs Antivirus Software
It’s a common thought that Mac users do not require antivirus like their Windows PC user counterparts. However, the climate for this statement is everchanging in the digital age we are in today.
The two main reasons Macs are considered more secure:
- MacOS is a Unix-based operating system and is sandboxed.
- There are fewer Macs being used than Windows PC.
Macs can get infected but it is much harder for the virus to spread to the heart of the machine. The recent growth of the web and the ever-increasing popularity of the cloud has changed the landscape for possible threats. Although it is harder to target Macs, and the number of users is a lot smaller than other brands of computers, there are still some viable reasons to look into a good Mac Antivirus Software. Malwarebytes reported in March of 2018 that malware grew more than 270 percent back in 2017. That being said, Windows 8 and 10 are the most secure Windows updates ever, and criminals are starting to take not that maybe it would serve them well to target Mac users more frequently. Mac users need to be made aware that they can, in fact, infect Windows users, especially in a shared network corporate environment. If a Mac user downloads a file with a PC virus, and that file is given to another user it could very well still have the virus code within it. Another issue is that mail can be infected and then forwarded to a Windows machine without the Mac user even noticing. Some Mac users even run macOS and Windows side by side using Bootcamp or other virtual machine solution.
Signs your Mac has a virus:
- Your Mac suddenly starts running very slowly or applications lag much more than they usually do.
- You see ads pop up on your Mac Randomly.
- Websites you visit show ads that are unconnected with your usual browsing history.
- You find software such as browser toolbars that you didn’t install yourself.
- Websites that don’t usually have ads start to display banners on them.
Macs are great machines that have a lot of built-in methods for keeping you secure. Criminals are shifting their tactics and times are changing. It’s best to keep your computer and the computers around you as secure as possible. Here is a list of anti-virus software that Mac users can look into:
- Intego Mac Internet Security X9
- Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac
- Norton Security for Mac
- Sophos Antivirus for Mac
- Avira Antivirus for Mac
Importance of Virus Removal in 2019

As you may have seen, we are offering a FREE Virus Removal with any computer repair service this week. The reason for such a massive deal is because of the increasing issue of personal computer security. Every password that is used, every site that has been visited, is a log of your personal data. Recently, personal data has been exploited by scammers and hackers who do not seek the interest of you.
As a service of Tyler, ETV Software’s Computer Repair – our retail portion of ETV Software – we have the important responsibility of keeping your computer as secure as possible.
Knowing the risks that you are taking when you suspect that your computer has been infected while NOT getting a virus removal from an Accredited business can cost you in the long run. How you may ask? Here are a few reasons why viruses are your worst enemy:
1. Loss of Data/Information
One of the most prominent issues that seem to happen when viruses infect your computer is that they can delete your important documents or files. This actually happens more than you think. And oftentimes, users don’t even realize it. Until they do… Protecting your personal files for work, college, or even family memories can be lost due to a virus on your computer.
2. Leaked Data/Information
It’s the information age. Personal data is being bought and sold. In the event that your data gets leaked, it’s very hard to “un-leak” it. Everything that is written on the internet isn’t written in pencil – it’s written in ink. Every time that you take a video, a picture, or even send a text message, that information gets stored somewhere. And, as you have seen in recent news, that information can get leaked. Viruses are built with malicious intent. Whether it’s to illegally gather your information to sell to agencies or if it’s to simply create chaos in someone’s life, viruses serve no other purpose than to destroy. This is why it’s important to take your computer to your local computer repair shop to ensure that you are protected.
3. Interference with Usability/Efficiency
Nothing is more annoying than a slow computer. Viruses, outside of the huge issues they can cause, are simply anger-inducing. Speed up your workflow to hit that deadline by simply getting a virus removal. We recommend, at least, monthly professional virus removals by a computer repair professional in order to ensure that you’re working as safely and efficiently as possible.
4. Lawsuits
If you own a business with the exchange of information, leaked or lost data can have severe consequences. These consequences have been shown to affect companies like Equifax and Facebook have also been under scrutiny for their leaked data. Lawsuits can totally sink small to mid-sized businesses so it’s important to keep your computers virus free!
What's Your Businesses Computer Crash Plan?
As a business owner in 2018, it’s important to realize that computers are at the heart of keeping your company afloat.
It’s very common to have your computer be lost or stolen, and business owners should keep this in mind when moving forward with their company. No matter how big your company is, you’re in need of a crash plan in case thing don’t go as planned, and they certainly will not, it’s just a matter of how the problem is handled. We will provide you the list and leave it up to you to handle it yourself or call in a professional like ETV Software. Tip number one is to think about keeping your critical files on a cloud-based hard drive. Having an automatic offsite backup for your files is a smart solution for any business with important data. It’s also vital to have a local computer backup solution. This step is easier on a Mac but there are also steps you can take to quickly do this process on a Windows. Another great tip for you crash plan is to have an offsite computer backup solution. This is so that if your external hard drives are stolen, burned or any other catastrophe happens you will not lose your data. If you only have an onsite backup solution all your data is still in one physical area and could possibly be destroyed if something were to happen. Backups are important, but it should also not be overlooked to ensure you have proper virus protection on both your Mac and PC. This is a fundamental step in any computer crash prevention plan. Is your current router up-to-date? How about your firmware? One of the most overlooked steps in a crash plan is making sure this software is kept up to date in these technologies. The updates will add needed security features and increase your overall performance. This step is quick and easy and will end up saving your company a lot of time in the future. Another factor for businesses to keep in mind is the number of computers in use for your company. It is recommended if you have 10 computers or more there should be a Network Attached Storage, NAS solution for local physical backups. However, this should not take the place of offsite backups, cloud storage or virus protection.
Unless you have your own department working on this daily, it can be hard to find the time to do all these steps alone. We want to remind you that at ETV Software, we can help you put the needed actions in place to make sure your companies data is kept safe and secure. Give us a call today! 903.858.4383
As a business owner in 2018, it’s important to realize that computers are at the heart of keeping your company afloat.
It’s very common to have your computer be lost or stolen, and business owners should keep this in mind when moving forward with their company. No matter how big your company is, you’re in need of a crash plan in case thing don’t go as planned, and they certainly will not, it’s just a matter of how the problem is handled. We will provide you the list and leave it up to you to handle it yourself or call in a professional like ETV Software. Tip number one is to think about keeping your critical files on a cloud-based hard drive. Having an automatic offsite backup for your files is a smart solution for any business with important data. It’s also vital to have a local computer backup solution. This step is easier on a Mac but there are also steps you can take to quickly do this process on a Windows. Another great tip for you crash plan is to have an offsite computer backup solution. This is so that if your external hard drives are stolen, burned or any other catastrophe happens you will not lose your data. If you only have an onsite backup solution all your data is still in one physical area and could possibly be destroyed if something were to happen. Backups are important, but it should also not be overlooked to ensure you have proper virus protection on both your Mac and PC. This is a fundamental step in any computer crash prevention plan. Is your current router up-to-date? How about your firmware? One of the most overlooked steps in a crash plan is making sure this software is kept up to date in these technologies. The updates will add needed security features and increase your overall performance. This step is quick and easy and will end up saving your company a lot of time in the future. Another factor for businesses to keep in mind is the number of computers in use for your company. It is recommended if you have 10 computers or more there should be a Network Attached Storage, NAS solution for local physical backups. However, this should not take the place of offsite backups, cloud storage or virus protection.
Unless you have your own department working on this daily, it can be hard to find the time to do all these steps alone. We want to remind you that at ETV Software, we can help you put the needed actions in place to make sure your companies data is kept safe and secure. Give us a call today! 903.858.4383
NASA is now 60 years old!
NASA has just reached its 60-year mark!